Issue Root Cause Analysis at Runtime for Java and .NET backend applications

The modern solution for delivering next generation cloud-native software

Know When and Why Code Breaks

Low Overhead. Quick Time to Value.

Runtime Code Analysis
Runtime Code Analysis
OverOps analyzes code at runtime with a lightweight micro-agent, powering the world’s most demanding applications
Code Quality Gates
Code Quality Gates
Integrated into testing, CI/CD and pipeline solutions. Block unreliable releases before they’re promoted to UAT and production
Feedback loops
Feedback Loops
Integrated with logs, APM, ticketing, and alerting. Source code, variable state, and operational context for every critical exception.

Identify Critical Issues

Proactively identify runtime exceptions and slowdowns in every release – Including issues that otherwise would be missed.

  • Know when new releases introduce new, increasing or resurfaced exceptions.
  • Get alerted only on your most critical exceptions.
  • Find issues missed by logs and APM with out-of-the-box integration.

OverOps ensures code changes don’t impact customer experience by identifying critical code quality issues at runtime, routing them to the right person, and displaying all the context needed to solve them. DevOps engineers and SREs get notified on critical issues, and developers get an immediate alert if their code is affected – including a snapshot with the complete context of the exception.

OverOps identifies issues at runtime based on the following criteria:

  • New – what are the new exceptions that didn’t exist in the previous release?
  • Critical – what are the most urgent exceptions to address?
  • Increasing – which exceptions increased in rate since the previous build?
  • Slowdowns – which transactions are taking longer than usual to execute?
  • Resurfaced – which exceptions happened again although they were supposed to be resolved?
  • Volume – has the total number of exceptions exceeded a predefined threshold?
  • Unique – how many unique exceptions are happening?
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Identify Critical Issues

Prevent Issues with Quality Gates

Static analysis and testing can never cover 100% of issues. Runtime Code Analysis identifies your unknown issues, and prevents them from being deployed.

  • Get out-of-the-box code quality report for every release.
  • Automatically block unreliable versions from being released.
  • Integrate with your CI/CD and static analysis tools to bolster-up your Shift-left initiative.

Testing and static analysis tools are great at finding known issues, but what about the ones you never tested for and were not logged? Knowing whether an exception is new, increasing, or resurfaced after being resolved is beyond what we thought is possible. OverOps acts as a quality gate for preventing bad code from being promoted. By integrating into the CI/CD pipeline and analyzing code at runtime, OverOps places quality gates for detecting issues that are missed by test automation.

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Resolve Using Complete Context

Reproduce any exception or slowdown with the complete source code, variables, DEBUG logs and environment state

  • Get complete context for every exception in pre-prod or production.
  • Fix production exceptions, even if they were never logged.
  • Get to the root cause with one click directly from your logs.

Logs are shallow, manual, noisy, and require foresight. OverOps captures the True Root Cause of critical errors and exceptions – even those missed by log management and APM tools – arming development teams with the context needed to reproduce and resolve issues.

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Integrate into Your Tooling

  • Pipeline & CI/CD – block unreliable releases from being promoted
  • Ticketing & Alerting – deliver the full context to the right developer
  • APM & Logs – reproduce every error or slowdown
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